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Smart Dashcam Pro X N
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How to install Smart Dashcam Pro X N
Dashboard Explainer
Device Related
What is Dashcam used for?

Dashcam is a video camera which is mounted on the Dashboard or Windscreen of a vehicle and used to continuously record the view of the road, traffic etc through the windscreen.

Why is a Dashcam useful?

Dashcam is useful as it provides video evidence in the below mentioned scenarios-

  • Car Accidents
  • Insurance Claims
  • Incorrect Challans
  • Journey Vlogging
How to setup Dashcam?
  • Connect the Dashcam with the Power Adaptor and insert the adaptor into car charger socket. Please insert SD Card in the SD Card slot for proper installation of the Device.
  • Turn on the Car Ignition and check if the Dashcam gets a Red LED Indication. Device then announces that “Qubo Dashcam is ready for Setup. Please follow the instructions from the Qubo App”. Download the App and follow further steps from the App
  • Clean the Windshield area where the Dashcam is to be installed
  • Remove the Protective Film from the Double Sided Adhesive and attach it on the windshield such that the view of the Driver is not blocked and proper view of the Front in correct orientation is present
  • Remove and then re-attach the USB Cable with the Dashcam and with the help of Installation Tool/Pry tool you can tuck In the Cable properly by lifting the Windshield/ molding . Re-Connect it with the Power Adaptor and insert the adaptor into car charger socket.
How to connect the Dashcam with the App?

When you launch the App, you will have to first install the Dashcam. For this, please follow the On-Screen instructions. The Dashcam creates a Wi-Fi hotspot which then automatically connects with the App. If it is not getting connected, then please enter the default password 12345678 from your Wi-Fi settings to connect.

Does the Dashcam needs constant Internet connection to work?
No. The dashcam needs Internet only in the below mentioned scenarios-
  • During the Installation process because we need to link your account with the Dashcam on our Cloud
  • If you change some settings and want it to sync with other devices.
  • If you want to remove the Device from your account.
How to physically remove the Dashcam from the Car?

To remove the Device from the Car, you have two options-

  • First, you strongly pull the Device from the Adhesive which is stuck on the Windscreen. In this case the device will be removed but the Adhesive will still be present on the Windscreen
  • Second, you remove the Adhesive too. In this case you need to strongly pull the Adhesive from one end and keep pulling till it is removed.
Is It mandatory to install it in the car only?

Though it is not mandatory but we recommend you to install the dashcam while in the car only. The dashcam needs a power source to connect to start functioning, if you can provide that while away from the car then it is good to go. But it should be more than 12 V.

Which type of USB Cable does the dashcam supports?

The Dashcam supports Mini USB Cable

How much is the warranty of the Mini USB Cable?

Mini USB Cable comes with six-months warranty

The Dashcam is not getting auto connected ?

Please check if the Dashcam is powered on. In some cases it takes a bit more time than usual. If it still doesn’t connect please reboot the Device and try again.

How much is the warranty of the Dashcam?

Dashcam comes with a one-year warranty

What is the operating temperature recommended for the Dashcam?

-5 degree to 65 degrees Celsius

Is it waterproof/Weather resistant?


My car aesthetics will suffer if I hang the wiring in the car. How to conceal the wiring?

You can use the Pry tool to tuck in the cable. Ensure the Cables are routed behind heading of the vehicle, then behind the weather seal of the door, then route car power cable from inside the Glove Box. This way your complete wiring will be concealed.

My Dashcam does not connect with the App when my phone is connected with Apple Car Play/ Android Auto

Wireless Apple Car Play/ Android Auto also connect to your phone through a wifi hotspot. Hence, please disconnect them temporarily while connecting your phone to dashcam to set up or view/ download videos from the dashcam. Please note that your dashcam records when the car’s ignition is on even if your phone is not connected to the dashcam.

When I have my App connected with the Dashcam why does my Phone Internet stops working?

Generally, in case of Android, the phone automatically switches to Mobile Data if the Wi-Fi is not having any internet or it will prompt you to switch. But in slightly older phone you might face this issue. Thus in that case you can disconnect your Wi-Fi so that the Mobile Data starts working. Please note that your dashcam records when the car’s ignition is on even if your phone is not connected to the dashcam.

How does the Dashcam records?

The Dashcam needs a Micro SD Card to record videos. It automatically records continuously and the same can be accessed with the help of Timeline Scrubber. Additionally it also generates certain events based on activity and that can be accessed by the Events Log available under Events Tab. Also Trip based recordings can be accessed from Trips tab. It also allows you to download all the recordings which are done but the clip length will be 1 minute only.

Does the Dashcam records continuously?

The Dashcam needs a Micro SD Card to record videos. It automatically records continuously and the same can be accessed with the help of Timeline Scrubber. Additionally it also generates certain events based on activity and that can be accessed by the Events Log available under Events Tab. Also Trip based recordings can be accessed from Trips tab. It also allows you to download all the recordings which are done but the clip length will be 1 minute only.

Is the Dashcam active while in parking also?

The Dashcam remains active for 1 minute post the Car Ignition is Off. If you want to record while the Car is Off i.e. in Parking, you will need to separately buy a Hardwiring Kit.

Can I view the events and recording while I am out of my Car?

No you can’t . The App displays all the events and recordings when you are connected with the Dashcam through the Wi-Fi Hotspot. Once the Wi-Fi Hotspot connection is lost you will be able to check only the Downloaded Clips.

Can I view the real-time videos and recording remotely?

No you can’t. You can only access the downloaded videos. To access real-time videos you will need to be connected to the Dashcam with the Wi-Fi hotspot created by the Dashcam.

My family member is right now in the car and connected with the Dashcam. Can I access the live feed and recordings sitting at home by using the same credentials?

No you can’t. You need your phone to be connected to the Wi-Fi Hotspot created by the Dashcam to check the Feed and recordings even if you use the same credentials

Why do few of my past recordings are having Different Timestamps than the correct time at that moment?

To maintain the correct timestamp for your videos, we have installed a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. This battery ensures that after the ignition of your car is stopped the clock on Dashcam gets power. This battery has a standby time of 3 days. If you do not start your car for 3 days in a row, this battery gets drained off, or initially when you receive the Device the battery is drained off. In this state the Dashcam has no reference to the time stamp and recordings done will have the wrong timestamp. To ensure that you get the correct date and time stamp, please reconnect your Dashcam to the app. Once reconnected with the App, the Dashcam will auto-update the Timestamp to the current time in all future videos.

App Related
Is there an App to check the Dashcam feed?

Yes. The App is named Qubo Pro and it is available on both Play Store and App Store. You can also download the App using the below QR Code-

I am an existing Qubo User; do I need to create a new account for Qubo Pro?

No. You can use the existing account with the Qubo Pro App which you use for Qubo.

Can I change the default password for Dashcam?

Yes, during installation from App. The App asks you to name your device and change its password. Once done it doesn’t allow you to change it again.

I have forgotten my Dashcam password. How can I retrieve it?

Once you open the App, get on the Device Dashboard and tap on Settings. Under Settings, you will see an option named Device. Under the Device option you can tap on the password to check the same.

How to remove Dashcam from the App?

Under Settings option present on the Device Dashboard, on the bottom there is an option named “Remove Device”. Your device will then be removed.

What if I factory reset the dashcam but do not remove it from App?

Then the Dashcam is no more connected to your account. But to remove it from being visible, go to Settings option on the Device Dashboard and from the bottom tab of “Remove Device” the Dashcam will be removed.

Does it consume my Mobile Data if I download a video?

No. Mobile Data is not consumed if you download a video. Your phone should have enough storage and that is enough for us to download the video.

What all functionality does the App support?

The App has multiple functions-

  • Live View
  • Event based recording
  • Trip based recording
  • Timelapse etc
What all events are present?

Currently it generates 3 types of events-

  • Ride Started – When the Ignition is On and Dashcam gets power.
  • Ride Stopped – When the Ignition is Off and power supply to Dashcam stops.
  • Jolt Detected – Whenever the Dashcam detects a jolt like in case of a Bumper on the road, or someone crashes in your car.
Can I modify the level of Jolt Detected?

Yes. Under Settings there is an option called “Record Trigger” under this you can set the sensitivity for the sensor to detect events. If set as ‘high’, it will detect even a slight inconvenience and if set on ‘low’ it will detect major events

What is Trips in App?

From the moment the car’s ignition is turned on, the Dashcam starts recording and it stops recording when the car is stopped. If you re-start the Car’s Ignition within 5 minutes it will continue to be a part of the same trip. This whole recording is considered as one trip and you can check this under Trips tab.

What if I am at a Red Light and had to switch off my car then will it create a new trip?

The Dashcam keeps on recording under the same trip if the Car Ignition was Off for under 5 minutes. If it was Off for more than 5 minutes, then it will start a new trip.

How can I forward/rewind a Video that I am watching from a Ride/Event?

Please download the Video first. Once downloaded, it will appear in Gallery and then if you play the same it gives option to forward/rewind that downloaded video.

How long of a recording can I download?

The Dashcam allows you to download all the recordings which are done but the clip length will be 1 minute only. So if you have a 5 minutes trip then you will have to download 5 clips.

How can I reboot/restart the Device?
  • If the Device is connected with the App, then under Settings option there is an option “Device Restart” at the bottom. Tap on the same to reboot.
  • If Device is not connected with the App, then there is a Reboot Key on the Dashcam. Press it using a pin to reboot.
Will the Dashcam always record all the audios even from inside the Car?

Under Settings there is an option called “Audio Track Recording”, you can Switch It On or Off as per your convenience.

Can I switch off the Alert beeps and sound from the device?

Under Settings there is an option called “Audio Alerts”, you can Switch It On or Off as per your convenience.

What happens if I lose my phone?

Do not worry, if you lose your phone you can manage your account from any other compatible mobile device. You can also easily move your account from one phone to another and also remove your Dashcam from the app if you think your phone may be compromised.

How can I view my recordings for specific date?

You can view past recordings by using a calendar provided on screen then select the date for the recordings you are looking for.

How can I download and delete the recorded files?

Once you select the event click on Download arrow Icon so that download can be done.

For deletion you just need to click on Delete Icon.

How can I share access for my Dashcam to other members?

By sharing login credentials of Qubo Pro app.

Can the other member remove or delete my device?

Yes, as simultaneous logins have the same rights.

What is the use of Time-lapse Video, how can I view it?

Time lapse video summarizes the whole day of recording in a single video. Below the Player there is an icon for Timelapse. When you tap on it, it asks you to select a particular date and then if there is enough recording on that date then a Timelapse video will be generated.

Storage Related
Is SD Card mandatory to use Dashcam?

Yes. The dashcam stores all the recording in the SD Card only. You can only view Live feed without the SD Card but then no event will get generated. We recommend you to use a SD Card for better experience.

How much SD Card size does it support?

It supports up to 256 GB of SD Card

How will it record new videos once my SD Card gets full?

The Device works on the functionality called FIFO which is First In First Out, Thus the recordings which were saved first will get auto deleted and new recording will take its place.

Will the Critical videos get over written if my SD Card gets full?

No. The Critical recordings also called as Emergency recordings which are created as Jolt Detected do not get over written under FIFO policy. They will always be saved on your device and only other recordings are impacted. Under settings option, there is an option “Emergency Limit” from which you can select the number of Emergency Recordings you would like to keep. And if it gets full then it will follow the FIFO rule for Emergency recording.

My SD card is not working; SD card is not supportive?

On Application there is an option for format SD card, please format your SD Card.

Which all SD Cards are recommended to be used with the Device?

Our Dashcam supports Class 10 or above SD Card available in the market but we suggest purchasing recommended Class 10 Micro SD Cards Only (32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GB, 256 GB)

General Queries
How Can I view some important videos later when I am out of the Car?

You can download that clip when you are in the car and connected with the Device. Once downloaded, that clip will be stored in your local storage and you can access it anytime from the App.

Can I use my device with another QUBO Account?

Yes, but you must remove the device from the previous account first and then reset the device. After that you shall setup the device with another Qubo user account.

What if I am not able to register a purchased camera with my login account (after logged in)?

Please follow the instructions on the app for the commissioning of the device. In case of any issue persistence, please connect with our Customer Service @ +91 81789 77914.

Still can’t find your question?

We are more than happy to assist you with any concerns you might have. Please feel free To contact us WhatsApp us @ +91 8178977914 (working hours: 9.30 AM to 6.30 PM, all Days, excluding national holidays).